This post is about inventions and technology, but what´s the meaning of invention?
A new device, method, or process developed from study and experimentation."
Now, that we know what´s an invention, I´ll show some ecofriendly inventions that are quite curious:
Who says your printer need ink or paper to work? Meet PrePean Printer. Unlike conventional, it uses a thermal part to make impressions on plastic sheets made especially for this. Besides being waterproof, they can be easily erased. Just put them back into the printer through another temperature, the next printing will be in place from before. The magic that makes only one of these sheets can be used a thousand times.
The designer Tommaso Colia created a solution for those who love to spend a while taking a relaxing shower. The Eco Drop Shower has concentric circles on the floor as rugs, which are growing while the shower is turned on. After a time, the feeling is so uncomfortable that forces you to leave the bathroom and thus save water. About 20% of all energy consumed at home comes from the hot water in the bath - six times more than domestic lighting, for example.
All lights and sounds of a "party" spend a considerable amount of electricity. Thinking about it, the owner of Bar Surya in London, redid the floors of the dance floor of his establishment and overlaid with plates which, when pressed by the frequenters of the place, producing electrical current. This energy is then used to help in the electrical charge needed to the house. Andrew Charalambous, the visionary owner of the bar, says the electricity produced by the modified lane represents 60% of the energy needs of the place.